The items of information technologies and their role in the protection and maintenance of national security, as well as key problems related to strengthening their influence in the world are considered in this article. The modern world is a complex system, a space of global information technologies. Modern information is the main determinant of society, and the rapid development of information technologies, which penetrate into all spheres of our lives, opens up completely new opportunities for social progress, as well as certain problems and challenges.
Information technologies, which are used in almost all spheres of human life and society, have become an attribute of modernity and directly influence national security and mechanisms for its provision.
The introduction of information technology in all spheres of human life due to the vulnerability and imperfection of computer programs and information technology, as well as their availability, creates serious risks and threats, both for ordinary citizens and for entire states.
The role of information and information technology in the modern world is extremely great. Together with the rapid development of information technology, new and already known information risks to the national security of the state to society as a whole and to each individual citizen are emerging.
On the basis of the national interests of Ukraine in the information sphere, strategic and current tasks of domestic and foreign policy of public administration dealing with the ensuring of information security as a component of the state security sector are formed.
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