Intermediality has been described as phenomenon of interartistic interaction and actual scientific approach of interdisciplinary studies. Different approaches of Ukrainian and foreign researchers for defining this concept have been analyzed. It has been generalized that intermediality is interpreted as interaction of semiotic codes of different arts in the multimedia space of culture. It has been emphasized that the basis of intermediality is inter- semiotic interaction, comparative analysis of texts (digital non-digital), system of communicative competence and personal aesthetic experience. The main approaches to the classification of interartistic relations have been analyzed. Taking into account the polysemy of the notion of «media» (as a carrier of information, a sign system, technical means of communication, a way of communication) the idea has been is grounded on the fact that today the concept of «intermediality» should be considered from three sides: cultural-semiotic, media-technological and communicative. In view of this, three approaches to the understanding of intermediality have been outlined: cultural-semiotic, media-technological, communicative.
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