• Василишина Наталія Анатоліївна аспірант кафедри теорії та історії мистецтва Національної академії образотворчого мистецтва і архітектури https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0003-9998
Keywords: Romanticism, world literature, French painting, G. Byron, Don Juan, E. Delacroix


In this article, we have studied problems associated with features of the painting development in the Romantic era. We have highlighted questions on the interrelationship between literature and painting and considered new trends in the development of the French painting in the first half of the 19th century. Artists of this era, in particular E. Delacroix, searched for new subjects actively by finding interesting themes in works of the world literature. E. Delacroix was inspired by works of Dante, L. Ariosto, T. Tasso, W. Shakespeare, J. Goethe, G. Byron, F. R. de Chateaubriand, W. Scott etc. Among them we should make the English writer G. Byron stand out: His character personified the romantic ideal of the whole era and his heroic life became a role model for young generation. In Byron’s works Eugène Delacroix was searching for new themes and his romantic hero and every time finding the relevant ways for his artistic solution system. Е. Delacroix’s works show us the integrity of romantic ideas clearly and the close mutual influence of the Western European literature and French painting allows speaking about the uniqueness of this era.


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How to Cite
Василишина Наталія Анатоліївна. (2019). ЛІТЕРАТУРНІ СЮЖЕТИ В ТВОРАХ Е. ДЕЛАКРУА – “ЗАГИБЕЛЬ КОРАБЛЯ ДОН-ЖУАНА” ТА “ПІСЛЯ КОРАБЕЛЬНОЇ АВАРІЇ”. Science Review, (5(22), 33-42. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_sr/30062019/6546