It is established that the construction of large volume buildings on the same site allows you to enter a more effective organization of construction works, which ultimately speeds up commissioning and reduces the costs of skotomesto. Multi-storey buildings dairy enterprises has a number of advantages that allow you to use the agricultural and traditional lands, reduces in comparison with one- piece construction built-up area of the complex is 2-5 times (depending on height), reduces the length of engineering networks and communications, reducing capital investment for the improvement allows the use of more efficient industrial methods of construction and installation works, reduce construction period, contributes to the comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes, greatly reduce the surface of the enclosure, improving heat balance of the premises, allowing you to maximize the capacity of load-bearing reinforced concrete structures improve architectural expressiveness of livestock enterprises, gives you the opportunity to build a strong base of construction industry of large cities and industrial centers.
It is established that the planning of enterprises for the production of milk with Zabudova building size 42х81 m in a three-storey version with the use of the land landscape, with a gradient 12-18% for 1200 cows provides the cost per head of 20,42 m2, building area of 8.5 m2, milk production per primary production 187,5 tonnes annually and per hectare of development – 2449 tons of milk at the level of profitability 70,74%.
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