• Скороходова Алина Валерьевна ХНУСА, доцент кафедры ДАС, кандидат архитектуры, Украина
  • Родик Янина Сергеевна ХНУСА, доцент кафедры ДАС, кандидат архитектуры, Украина
  • Даниленко Евгений Леонидович ХНУСА, доцент кафедры ДАС, кандидат архитектуры, Украина
  • Мироненко Надежда Григорьевна ХГАДИ, доцент, кандидат искусствоведения, Украина
Keywords: architecture of medical complexes, sustainable development in architecture, architecture of health


A study of the main criteria for sustainable development in architecture of large medical complexes and their impact on recovery of patients are pointed out in the article. This study was conducted on the basis of analysis of foreign materials and research work. A new stage in sustainability of medical complexes architecture, as an architecture that brings recovery was revealed. Synthesis, analysis and conclusions taken from books, articles and design experience of modern medical complexes are results of this study. The result of this study is that main design directions of modern medical complexes have been formulated. This article has practical significance, so obtained results will interest practicing architects who are faced with the task of creating a comfortable and healthy environment, as well as for those people who are responsible for design and operation of such objects. Modern criteria of sustainability in architecture of medical complexes help to create a healthier environment, improve public perception and increase the efficiency of such institutions.


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How to Cite
Скороходова Алина Валерьевна, Родик Янина Сергеевна, Даниленко Евгений Леонидович, & Мироненко Надежда Григорьевна. (2019). ГУМАНИЗАЦИЯ И УСТОЙЧИВОЕ РАЗВИТИЕ АРХИТЕКТУРНОЙ СРЕДЫ МЕДИЦИНСКИХ КОМПЛЕКСОВ. Science Review, (4(21), 15-19. https://doi.org/10.31435/rsglobal_sr/31052019/6488
Architecture and Construction

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