European Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 2021-04-23T14:03:38+00:00 RS Global, Editorial office (journals department) Open Journal Systems <p style="color: #000;"><strong>The journal European Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems has ceased publication and is no longer accepting submissions.<br></strong></p> <p>All previously published articles are available through the Archives. The journal is archived in PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) via the LOCKSS initiative, which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly journals.</p> MANAGEMENT DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION ON TRANSPORT NETWORKS 2021-02-02T07:15:38+00:00 Prokudin Georgii Chupaylenko Оleksii Prokudin Оleksii Khobotnia Tetiana <p>The existing methods of reducing open transport problems to a balanced form, namely: the method of fictitious supplier / consumer, the difference method and the method of coefficients. The transport problem is a special case of the general problem of linear programming, so it is also possible to apply the most well-known method of solving problems of this class - the simplex method, pre-grafting the transport problem to the form of linear programming problem and taking into account its specificity. Experimental studies on the optimization of unbalanced freight traffic, which were obtained using the developed decision support system, allow us to conclude that the simplex method has shown high efficiency in finding optimal freight plans for both balanced and unbalanced transport problems. Analysis of the results of the use of all methods on many practical examples allows us to conclude that none of them has an absolute advantage over others. This fact is explained by the fact that each of the methods in some cases of its application showed a better result compared to the results of others.</p> 2021-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Prokudin Georgii, Chupaylenko Оleksii, Prokudin Оleksii, Khobotnia Tetiana ECONOMIC AND MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF CARGO TRANSPORTATION IN INTERNATIONAL PIGGYBACK CONNECTION 2021-02-17T14:30:54+00:00 Polishchuk V.P. Liubov Guzhevska Olena Denys <p>It is established that with the help of mathematical modeling it is possible to estimate functional links between different parameters that influence the delivery time in international communication. The model of the choice of the type of connection according to the time criterion, which has practical value, can be used to make a decision when choosing a variant of the combination (automotive or piggyback). The ease of use of the developed models has advantages over all previously proposed because it allows you to calculate the economic feasibility of using the type of combination not only as an area of effective use, but also for each individual case to determine the efficiency of choosing the type of connection. The use of models gives the opportunity to economically justify the choice of the type of connection and will allow the motor transport company to reduce transportation costs by 10-15%.</p> 2021-01-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Polishchuk V.P., Liubov Guzhevska, Olena Denys IMPROVEMENT OF METHODS AND MEANS OF EVALUATING OF SKID RESISTANCE ROAD SURFACES IN UKRAINE 2021-02-18T12:27:10+00:00 Leonid Rybitskyi Dmitry Pavlyuk <p>Evaluation of skid resistance of the road surface is a very important issue of roads maintenance because this indicator is one of the main transports and operational indicators of the road surface, on which road safety depends. It is known from many sources that one of the causes of road accidents (accidents) is the low value of the skid resistance of the road surface.<br>After analyzing the existing methods and tools for evaluating the skid resistance and the lack of those that could correspond to the accuracy of the results of current regulations, the National Transport University decided to improve the methods and tools for evaluating the skid resistance road surface in Ukraine.<br>The purpose of the development was to improve the methodology for evaluating the properties skid resistance of road surfaces by increasing the requirements for testing, improving the accuracy of instruments, informativeness and productivity of measuring the parameters of skid resistance qualities of road surfaces. The result of many years of work was an improved methodology, on the basis of which the regulatory documents of Ukraine were approved and the equipment was created, which allows to obtain the relevant value of the coupling qualities of road surfaces with confidence.<br>According to the results of experimental studies, the correlation coefficient between the readings of various modifications of the developed Universal road measuring equipment "UDVO" is from 0.955 to 0.981, and the deviation of the equipment readings from the values of skid resistance qualities determined by standard methods do not exceed 5%.</p> 2021-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Leonid Rybitskyi, Dmitry Pavlyuk TROUBLESHOOTING AND REPAIR OF THE ENGINE CONTROL UNIT WHEN IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO CONNECT THE DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT 2021-04-23T14:03:26+00:00 Igor Vlasov <p>The article considers the engine control unit MD190662, considers the possibility of its repair and maintainability, as well as the economic benefits. The publication examines the issue of activity in the event of failure of the old engine control unit, provided it is impossible to purchase a new one. One of the troubleshooting methods is the ability to purchase a new, customizable unit, control from the tuning studio, which entails even greater costs. Nowadays, most electricians and diagnosticians are just too lazy to take on such work, because it takes a lot of time to find such a faulty, and in the time spent they can service several cars and earn many times more, or immediately hear from them that you need to buy a new one. no one will take the old man. In our case, we wanted to refute the fact that the repair of the control unit - the procedure is not appropriate. In our case, the control unit has been repaired and is operated daily. From the economic point of view, since the work was done by me on my own, it turned out very cheap, but this requires some knowledge and skills.</p> 2021-03-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Igor Vlasov SYSTEM ANALYSIS IN TRANSPORT LOGISTICS 2021-04-23T14:03:38+00:00 Sarbasova A. K. Ismailova R. T. Mergengali Y. K. Khalikov R. I. <p>Road transport plays a significant role in the economic prosperity of each country. Every year the demand for transportation of goods increases, thus there is a need to improve the quality of transport logistics. The high rate of equipping logistics companies with cars, in recent years, is gaining a large turnover, if compared with other types of logistics in our country, thereby increasing the efficiency and quality of transport logistics, which becomes independent of other types of transport, becoming a universal, mobile transportation of goods. As a result, the need to expand roads and improve their quality increases. If you ignore the factors of improving roads, it will lead to an increase in traffic on the roads, as well as slow down the delivery time of the goods.</p> 2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2021 The authors